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Holly Flom

A Decade of MADness with Holly Flom

Posted on November 5, 2021 in Spotlight

On October 31, 2011, Brandon Cullen and Kirk Dewaele opened the doors to a new kind of MADness on the fitness scene. Former professional hockey players, the duo founded MADabolic after noticing a hole in the group fitness market – there were no high-quality strength training programs for people who prioritize fitness, value structure, and demand results…everyday people, and people past their sport looking to age athletically…people, it turned out, like them.The concept started as a 15-person class. On the first day in business, 19 clients came through the door. Over the first week, they saw 32 unique clients on the floor. Of those 32, week-one clients, four are still members today, a decade of MADness later.

We’ve learned a lot since the early days of MADabolic; from how we optimize our training program to how we bring together the right team of experts in all areas of the business to support the growing MADabolic brand we know today.

October 31, 2021 marked a decade of MADness, and in honor of this milestone, we’ll be sharing the stories of those who have been with us for the long-haul; clients, trainers, managers, and even our founders.

Gates’ law says most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year yet grossly underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade, and that rings true for MADabolic. 

We grew slowly and methodically in the early days. Now, with stronger systems and a passionate team of experts in place to help drive sustainable growth, we have 50 studios operating or in development with big goals still ahead. But even amid this booming growth, we’re proud to provide a world class training program that remains dedicated to the underlying values that MADabolic was founded on. We remain loyal to our craft and the people that make up the MADabolic we know today. 

Decade of MADness Feature #1: Holly Flom

Holly Flom, a radio DJ in Charlotte, took her first class in May 2012. She had always been athletic and active prior to MADabolic and even became a health coach in 2008. “It really put me in top shape,” she shared.

“The earlier workouts were a bit different with “finishers” and Tabata days, the room was much smaller, and we used sandbags as weights,” Holly recalled of the early days. She has enjoyed seeing the growth of MADabolic over her tenure as a client, including the way the different intervals – Momentum, Anaerobic, and Durability – organically evolved. Holly’s will and determination have gotten her through a lot on her journey over the last decade, especially her journey toward rebuilding strength after double knee replacement surgery. “I can modify [the workout] as needed. The trainers know I’m trying, they have worked with me and watched me heal and rebuild my body. I’m leaner now, and I attribute much of that to the specific movements incorporated in each workout,” said Holly.

The workout and the relationships Holly has developed with other clients and coaches have contributed to her long-term commitment to MADabolic. “There’s no scoreboard. The only person you’re in competition with is yourself. You’re not running on the treadmill for 45 minutes. You’re doing primal movements that will help you gain function in daily life movements. Every day is different. I stay because it’s never NOT challenging. The thought process that goes in to designing their week of movements is unparalleled. It’s humbling to be able to do any of this with the personal trials I’ve faced.”

Holly misses the sledgehammers from the brand’s early days but loves every interval in the current programming. “I especially love the overhead plate carry and the Farmer’s Carry,” she added. “MADabolic offers a fast and furious workout for the total body with skillful design and unique primal movements for improved strength and mobility. If I can do it, anyone can. The 40 minutes you’re at MAD are better and more effective than the two hours you spend doing some other workouts.”

Thank you, Holly, for sticking with us since the early days and for sharing your story. Here’s to another Decade of MADness!

Rooted in science, MADabolic’s signature intervals are designed to torch body fat, increase strength, and promote lean muscle. The brand’s uniquely purposeful approach provides unmatched results and offers a strong franchise investment opportunity. Ideal franchise partners are driven and passionate community leaders that members can look up to, ranging from former elite-caliber athletes to everyday fitness enthusiasts.

For more information about the MADabolic franchise opportunity, check out