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Getting off Your Ass and Back into the Gym

Posted on March 23, 2021 in #MadLifestyle

COVID presented an easy out from the gym. Literally. At some point, every single person reading this wasn’t allowed to step foot inside of a gym for varying periods of time. And while working out from home had its ra ra moment, if you’re someone who thrives in a group environment under the [judgmental] eyes of your hands-on trainer, it probably didn’t take too much time for your at-home workouts to slip.

Now here we are, over a year later, and while many of our people are back in action, some of you might feel intimidated to make your grand return to the MADhouse (or wherever you like to train in-person). Here’s what you might be telling yourself to validate the extension of your hiatus…along with our candid response.

“I just need to get back in shape before I come back.”
What?? You think you need to get in shape to get in shape? That’s about as stupid as it sounds. You don’t need to get into pre-qualifying shape to come back to us. This likely stems from fear of judgment, but rest assured that everyone else is too busy getting their asses handed to them to give a shit about what you’re doing. And as far as your trainer judging you goes…well, the only thing your trainer is here to judge you on is your form…to make sure you’re moving safely. We’re here to make you better, regardless of where the (re)starting point is!

“I might actually die in my first anaerobic day back.”
LOL…that’s just anaerobic programming, period. You might not be as well-conditioned as you were this time last year, and while an anaerobic day won’t feel easy…let us remind you: it has NEVER felt easy. Remember, our programming is SCALABLE! It doesn’t discriminate. Your 70, 80, 90, and 100% efforts are completely relative to your current fitness level. When you slide back into the program, the program will meet you where you are. If you’re weaker and slower, the program won’t punish you for it. Instead…it’ll accommodate you.

“Working out in a mask blows.”
Well…obviously. We’re not arguing that. Training in a mask is like having sex with a condom. It’s not as fun, but it keeps you (and others) protected…and if you wear the right one, it’s not so bad. We’re optimistic that with continued vaccine distribution, the regional mask mandates will soon fade into history…but for the locations that still require them while training, it’s completely safe to do so as your heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oxygen level, and time of exhaustion are not significantly affected (as propped up by extensive research).

“I’m not sure I feel comfortable or safe enough yet.”
We get this hesitation. Which is why we take our COVID precautions seriously. Did you know that all MADabolic locations were built for practical distancing to support one-on-one interaction? We’ve always factored plenty of personal space into the program since inception, and have a square footage requirement for all locations to accommodate this. The difference now? We’re leveling up our sanitation, cleaning, and person-to-person interaction measures to directly align with CDC and local municipality guidelines brand-wide. That said, comfort levels range and we respect yours – wherever it is. If you’re still not quite ready to take the leap back into group fitness, we look forward to safely training you whenever you are.

“I simply prefer working out from home.”
That’s cool! While we don’t believe digital will ever replace what we do in person (and seeing how many of you are back safely training on the floor…you might agree), we do recognize and respect the subset of people who will continue to work out on their own. Which is exactly why we have something for you in the works….but more on that later.

So, MADones…whether you’re coming back to stay in shape, get in shape, see your favorite trainers, or blow some steam off…there’s nothing to fear (other than Yard Sale). We’ve missed you and are waiting for you!

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