Respect Amongst Peers …


Written by MADabolic

August 9, 2016

At MADabolic Inc. our focus is everyday strength and athleticism.  Loosely translated, we’ve created a program to provide everyday people the physical strength and ability to live athletically.  What we don’t always speak about is our drive to be respected by our peers first and foremost.  Our ultimate goal is to appeal to both the everyday person and the fitness professional. Often this involves choosing what is needed versus what the public sees as trendy.  Nothing is more rewarding then a class filled with individual fitness specialist who have chose MADabolic Inc. as ‘THE’ program to represent the strength and conditioning compliment to their athletic lifestyle and having their stamp of approval is a great feeling that is hard is to measure.

I want to personally thank them for their support and leadership but most importantly for their kind words below.

Thank you

Brandon Cullen
Founder of MADabolic Inc.


As a former Athletic Trainer that worked in professional hockey for 10 years, I was able to work with elite level athletes through all aspects of injury prevention, rehabilitation, and strength and conditioning.

Why MADabolic Inc. makes sense for me…

There are many similarities to my past experience in professional sports that parallel the programming at MADabolic Inc.. To me, the most valuable aspect of this strength based program is the emphasis placed on safe and proper technique.  Other popular training programs place a higher value on rep chasing, rather than learning and perfecting the proper technique.

After transitioning to a new career outside of professional sports, creating a new fitness routine was one of the hardest parts of my lifestyle adjustment.  MADabolic Inc. has enabled me make fitness a bigger priority in my daily life in Charlotte, and I know that every time I sign up for “The MADness” that I am going to get the absolute max out of my time and effort.

Brandon Dionne
Former AHL/ECHL Athletic Trainer 


MADabolic Charleston taught me that my body is not just bendy and flexible (like my yoga practice implies). It is also strong and powerful. The workouts at MAD have changed not only my physical body but my mental body!  I feel accomplished and encouraged by the team at MAD to take risks and go big!  I never was as confident in my strength training abilities as I have been the past two years since participating in this program. It takes discipline and focus — both things that not only made my yoga practice stronger but my teaching style more in line with the methodology to be “a yes” for yourself and your health! Ain’t nobody gonna do it for you so you have to show up and stay strong!  I 100% believe in this smart programming and it’s life and body changing components.


MADabolic Inc. is my go to workout because I know I will never attend a class that the intention of getting a full body workout is not fulfilled. I go in knowing that I will be training for power, agility, speed and durability and feeling confident that the pre planned programing will consistently help me become a better athlete.

As a former Division 1 college athlete and having to follow a strict strength and conditioning program, I understand the science behind a workout and MADabolic Inc. does just that. I know I will be challenged athletically every time I step in the door. I live for that feeling of accomplishment when I know I have been pushed mentally and physically by an instructor I have the utmost respect for. I don’t base whether a program is successful or not based off of how many calories I have burned. I look for a program that keeps me engaged, challenged and moving properly which MADabolic Inc. hits the nail on the head 100%. Bottom line, even though I am a fitness professional and have a similar background of knowledge, I do not view MADabolic Inc. as my competition. As one of the top TRX trainers in the industry, I consider this program to be a useful tool for me to grow in my fitness journey as a fitness professional while having respect and gratitude toward such a great product they have produced.

Tara J Bedard
TRX Ambassador 

What we love the most about MADabolic is that you never know what to expect. Each class is unique and challenges us to push past our boundaries; we leave feeling stronger.

The program design from MADabolic Inc. is a great compliment to our main form of fitness – yoga. MAD offers a more focused strength aspect that actually enhances our yoga practice. Aside from the amazing workouts, we appreciate the friendly and attentive staff as well as the community you’ll find at MADabolic Raleigh.
Kathleen & Kelly
CorePower Yoga Raleigh 

I have been a daily attendee of MADabolic Raleigh for over a year now, and it has become the benchmark in my fitness routine. I have not played a pro basketball game in three years, but I can honestly say that I am in the best shape of my life.

When I go out and play basketball now, I feel like I could still step on a pro court and compete athletically as well as cardiovascularly. I wish I had been able to do MAD in the offseason while I was playing – I think it would have helped immensely.

At Race 13.1, I am constantly encouraging runners to add some cross training into their weekly routines. To me, MAD has the perfect blend of intense cardio; weights to add strength; and functional movements that teach you to move correctly and efficiently. There isn’t an athletic movement you would encounter that MADabolic doesn’t cover, and I think that’s my favorite part about it. Truly committing to the MADabolic Inc/ program will allow you to participate effectively in pretty much any athletic situation.

Dan Mercer
Regional Vice President @ Race 13.1
Former Professional Basketball Player (Australia/China)

To be the very best at my game and to keep my clients motivated and challenged, it’s especially important that I can relate to them and remind myself what’s it’s like to have someone else telling me what to do and forcing me to push. One of the worse things you can do as a fitness professional is get so set in your own routine that you separate yourself from the community, or stop supporting other fitness brands.

I workout at MADabolic Asheville a few times a week in addition to my own workouts because it helps me relate to my clients, and keeps me fresh and inspired for my own program design. It also brings me back to when I first began immersing myself in fitness all those years ago, taking part in every group fitness class I could find. I stopped taking part in group classes because my knowledge on the subject overcame that of the instructor. But with MADabolic Inc. I finally found a group class that I I can believe in again- the kind that actually gives you efficient, quality movements, and reminds me to have fun with fitness! (As fun as you can have going breathless that is) I love that I can have a social experience and share the pain with my fellow comrades. After all, we fitness professionals are mortal too.
Ariel Sanders 
Buff Luv Fitness
Trainer at MADabolic Asheville

As a Pure Barre instructor, I see clients of all ages challenge themselves each class, and it motivates me to be better. Being an athlete my entire life, gymnastics and field hockey, I chose MADabolic Raleigh to bring that athletic side back and to challenge myself like I see others do. I can feel my body changing and getting stronger after each unique workout.

Jodi Schoenberger
Pure Barre Raleigh

I grew up an athlete and continued my passion of playing basketball into college. 3 career ending back surgeries sidelined me from playing the game I grew to love. Post surgery I began to find other active outlets that filled my love for sweat – so I began to teach cycle, compete in triathlons, and run half marathons.

After a few years I noticed the need to compliment my highly active lifestyle with some mobility and stretching. Instantly I fell in love with yoga, and post a 200hr-YTT became a yoga instructor. With these two very different modalities of training I was craving something more in my personal workouts. Thus began the search between, CrossFit/TRX/Circuit Training/Barre etc.

I was yearning for a balanced, intentional, and safe strength training program that also valued aerobic conditioning. Why I love MAD. After meeting Dusty and Alex (owners of MADabolic Raleigh) in lululemon and hearing about the deliberate programming behind the MADabolic Inc. brand I became instantly intrigued. For me I choose to compliment my other fitness modalities with the programming from MADabolic Inc. because of the structure behind it, the commitment of balance between heavy lifting and functional movements, as well as the amazing community that has become my family. With a yogi’s heart, but an athlete’s mind I’ve instantly became MAD!


Caitlin Palczuk
Raleigh NC Spin instructor 10 Years
Raleigh NC Yoga Instructor 4 Years

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