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- Strip District
ANAEROBIC9:15am - 10:05am (50 min)Stefanie D.14 of 20 open
ANAEROBIC10:30am - 11:20am (50 min)DeAndra R.9 of 20 open
DURABILITY5:45am - 6:35am (50 min)Marley S.8 of 20 open
DURABILITY6:45am - 7:35am (50 min)Andy N.18 of 20 open
DURABILITY8:30am - 9:20am (50 min)Marley S.19 of 20 open
DURABILITY12:15pm - 1:05pm (50 min)DeAndra R.18 of 20 open
DURABILITY4:30pm - 5:20pm (50 min)Marley S.19 of 20 open
DURABILITY5:30pm - 6:20pm (50 min)Marley S.16 of 20 open
DURABILITY5:45am - 6:35am (50 min)Marley S.10 of 20 open
DURABILITY6:45am - 7:35am (50 min)Marley S.18 of 20 open
DURABILITY8:30am - 9:20am (50 min)Amanda S.20 of 20 open
DURABILITY12:15pm - 1:05pm (50 min)Marley S.19 of 20 open
DURABILITY5:30pm - 6:20pm (50 min)Stefanie D.16 of 20 open
ANAEROBIC5:45am - 6:35am (50 min)Marley S.7 of 20 open
ANAEROBIC6:45am - 7:35am (50 min)Andy N.20 of 20 open
ANAEROBIC8:30am - 9:20am (50 min)Marley S.20 of 20 open
ANAEROBIC12:15pm - 1:05pm (50 min)DeAndra R.20 of 20 open
ANAEROBIC5:30pm - 6:20pm (50 min)DeAndra R.18 of 20 open